After the auditory system is damaged, hearing Loss and tinnitus often occur, so these two symptoms often go hand in hand. According to literature reports, 70%-90% of patients with sudden deafness will be accompanied by tinnitus; patients with hearing loss such as noise-induced deafness and presbycusis often have tinnitus symptoms. In addition, about 80% of tinnitus patients will have hearing loss. All of these show a close correlation between the two.

1. The impact of hearing loss on tinnitus
Hearing loss is one of the most common causes of tinnitus. When the hearing system is damaged, the auditory input received by the brain will be reduced accordingly. As a result, the brain will try to compensate for this loss, resulting in overactivity of the auditory center, which will produce tinnitus. This overactivity may be a compensation mechanism for the lack of sound information in the brain. Studies have shown that the more severe the hearing loss, the higher the incidence of tinnitus.
2. The impact of tinnitus on hearing loss
Although tinnitus itself does not directly cause hearing loss, it may be a sign of hearing system damage. Long-term tinnitus may affect an individual’s perception and processing of sound, thereby affecting hearing. In addition, tinnitus may also cause psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, which may indirectly affect hearing health.
Then How to treat and manage?
Although hearing loss and tinnitus are likely to occur at the same time, there are times when the symptoms of the two are separated. Some patients with long-term tinnitus may have completely normal results in routine hearing tests. Some patients with hearing loss may not have tinnitus, whether they are acute, progressive, or persistent and stable hearing loss. This also shows that deafness and tinnitus are two independent symptoms, and their pathogenesis is not the same.
The relationship between tinnitus and hearing loss is complex and mutually influential. Understanding the connection between the two can help us better manage these symptoms and improve the quality of life.
Treatment of tinnitus and hearing loss requires careful consideration of the specific circumstances of the individual. For tinnitus caused by hearing loss, improving hearing may be the key to alleviating tinnitus. Using hearing Aids, hearing training, and avoiding noise exposure may all help. For hearing problems caused by tinnitus, managing tinnitus symptoms, such as using sound therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc., may help improve hearing.